Random Things I Love in Nicaragua: #4 The Practicality of Solar Energy

Last year we hired Nicamisol, a company out of Managua, to install our home’s solar system. What a game changer! It is hot living by the beach in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. Yesterday was one of the few days I can remember in almost 6 years of being here that I hiked the beach mid day and didn’t sweat at all. In other words, most days it’s so hot that I start sweating as soon as I walk out the door. Our house, a modern concrete/rebar structure with lots of glass facing west, was designed more for the views …

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Random Things I Love in Nicaragua: #3 The ability to walk everywhere

Last year at the start of the pandemic John and I decided we would walk everywhere we needed to go. We don’t own a car here and mostly walk everywhere anyway, but as a way to keep ourselves safe from Covid-19 we decided to decline the occasional rides in vehicles with other people, including taxis. Weeks of solely walking everywhere turned into months of our doing so, and then it became a personal challenge…could we possibly go a year? We went a year and a week to be exact. Then it became time to go to the States to get …

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