Tuesday, February 13 is our launch day. We’re launching from right behind my dad’s beach-side vacation condo in Orange Beach, Alabama and paddling 7 nautical miles to Big Lagoon State Park, Florida, which is the official start of the Florida Circumnavigational Saltwater Paddling Trail. We’d planned to start a few days ago but the weather forecast looked crappy and sure enough it’s been rain, wind, and lightning all weekend. Tuesday morning looks like the start of some better weather. Dang I just looked at the current forecast (see photo below). We’ll keep our fingers crossed for Tuesday!We’ve spent the week studying, organizing, and marking the campsite locations on our charts which we ordered from The Frugal Navigator. We downloaded the GPS way points on our GPS and my iPhone. And I read aloud to John the River Weasel’s blog about his recent paddle to Key West from Ohio.
Inspired, I set up this blog.
And downloaded the trail guide segments onto my Kindle and the maps onto my iPhone so I have them as backup and available when offline.
Then more shopping for our resupply items. And packing and addressing the boxes, after recording their contents for our future reference. My 90-year-old dad and his wife Sara will be mailing them to us c/o General Delivery along the route. We’d go ahead mail them to ourselves right now except the guy at the local Post Office says they’ll hold General Delivery items for only 15 days. So dad and Sara will mail them when we get two-weeks out from a destination. We’ve lucked out with the Winter Olympics being on. We thought we’d miss all of it. Lounging on the couch and watching the games has been great while the waves and the lightning have been crashing outside.
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