Our friend Summer has been telling us about a waterfall near her house so today John and I joined her on a hike to it.
The trail was so overgrown in places we feared stepping on venomous snakes and had to backtrack at one point. There were gorgeous spiderwebs with fat, striped spiders. A field of small, darting butterflies. And then a butterfly so large I said no, it’s a bird, as it partly disappeared into a tree. And John said no, it’s a bat, as we crept up to it and stared at the dark form. And Summer said no, it’s two butterflies mating, as they lifted and fluttered away, both large as robins.
And then it started to pour. We stood under a tree for a minute but then figured what the heck, what difference does it make to get wet from rain when the rain is warm and we’re already drenched in sweat. So we hiked in the pouring rain and it wasn’t uncomfortable or cold or odd at all.

The waterfall was dry but an impressive 35 to 40 feet down from the top, with lush mosses covering the rocks.
I looked down at my tennis shoes, covered in mud, and saw that the uppers are separating from the soles. Tomorrow I’ll take them to a man I saw repairing shoes at a bench in town. I hope he can save them for me as they’re the only hiking shoes I have here and I’m not sure where I could find others.
Cost: Zero on our part but Summer (thank you!) gave us a ride.
Enjoyment of our new home: Priceless