What do you do in a strange city when night is falling, rush-hour traffic is terrifying, it’s pouring rain, the streets are flooding, the roads Google Maps/Siri screams at you to take to your hotel are all blocked by road construction and you realize you are lost?
You pull up to the nearest motorcycle taxi and hire them to lead the way.
And then you hire them for the next morning to drive you through the construction maze to your nearby appointment at the US Embassy (Stop #1 in applying for our Nicaraguan residency), because you’ve always wanted to ride in a moto taxi anyway.

After that we were on our own and Google Maps and Siri were great at getting us where we needed to go and John only had to call upon his inner asshole a few times to swerve us past the 2 broken down trucks, the 1 abandoned bus, the crumpled, run-over motorcycle which was still pinned under a car, past the pro-government demonstrators waving flags and blaring support chants, and around and around the many many many roundabouts.
Driving in Managua sucks.