This morning John woke me up with one word: Monkeys!
Followed by: And we can see them!
Last year I heard them near our home for the first time. And I was sure it was a screaming pig which the neighbors must’ve just acquired. But then, it sounded like an awfully strange screaming pig. Could it be a Howler Monkey making all that racket?
John thought that it was indeed, and we listened to sound tracks via Google, but we didn’t actually see one.
The year before, in the midst of a bad drought that was in its 5th year, John and I stumbled upon two dead howler monkeys sprawled out in the middle of two partly overgrown trails we frequented near Nascacolo Bay. We went home and read articles about the dying howlers throughout Nicaragua and of the scientists from around the world that were descending on Nicaragua to try to find the cause. Was it a lack of water? A concentration of toxins? Pesticides from somewhere? We never did read about their findings, and we wonder still to this day.
But the drought is over, we’ve gone two years now without seeing any more dead ones, and the monkeys now seem to have moved near our home.
Only today, though, could we finally see them from our porch.
And now I’ll know for a personal fact that it’s nobody’s squealing pig.