The town was hoppin’ last night. One restaurant was completely packed. Others were also jamming. And the beach was full, with a final game of soccer under the lights.
John E Field and I and our friend Summer Shacklette were looking at each other in shock, feeling like we’d time capsuled back to last year. “Managuans,” our waiter Ricardo at Buen Gusto said, as I sipped on our Macuas (Buen Gusto serves THE BEST Macuas). “They are here because of the Santo Domingo holiday.”
On the beach was the ice cream vendor, the sunglass guys, the surfer, the dogs, the families and the fishermen.

A vendor who knew Summer came by our table selling jewelry she made, ceramic bird whistles she blew, and a couple of tee shirts. One had a picture of the Guardabarranco (Motmot) bird which I had to have, giving her her only business for the night so far, she said. It must’ve brought good luck because this morning a Motmot came to our porch.
The Cerveceria was open so we popped in there for a beer and ran into Jorge Y Ashley Ocampo.
John and I rarely go out at night, but boy this one was a good one. Glad we didn’t miss it. Thanks Summer for dragging us out of the house!