After the devastation of Tropical Storm Nate, the sunsets returned to our home in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua, and so did the clean up and repair.
The Chocolata Road gets a facelift
The rutted dirt road, full of horrid, repetitive potholes and thick mud, which crosses in front of our development, is finally getting a face lift, but how thorough a job is done is yet to be seen. It’s supposed to be, eventually some day, maybe, paved. But I’m not holding my breath for that. Besides, the road is in such bad shape right now that traffic goes by really slowly. Which makes it fairly safe for pedestrians. It actually may become a treacherous place to walk once it becomes graded, little alone paved.

Our House Work Begins
The various work projects at our house have also begun.
The first job was to build a secondary retaining wall to keep the seldom-used neighborhood stairway, which flanks the side of our property, from collapsing. During the storm, John watched a river of water pour down the stairway, spill over the wall and flood the back of our house .
First they had to move the existing water line out of the way. And then they had to carry the new, huge, heavy, wall rocks up our 45 steps. John baked the workers fresh, homemade cinnamon rolls, lamenting that he couldn’t help by even lifting ONE of the rocks, little alone carry one up the 45 steps.

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