All but one boat in the bay either sank or was washed ashore.
The wind howled. The rain poured. The power and water were out for three days.

Our house flooded from both the front doors and through the back concrete walls. We feared that our porch awning would break loose and crash through our glass doors. So we stood watch throughout the night.
I’ve learned how to properly wring out a mop and a towel or two or three. And John got his daily 10,000 steps just by squeegee-ing the water off of the top terrace, night and day for three days now. We brought this squeegee with us from the States just a few weeks ago and good thing we did!
We blessed our lucky stars for the water in our pool to do our dishes with and to flush our toilets. And for the dry roof over our head, a dry bed with clean sheets, and a gas stove. A lot of locals didn’t.
Thankfully our Kindles were fully-powered and full of good books.

We just talked to Salvador Gutierrez Estrada. He is a builder and he and his crew built our terrace last summer. We’re putting them back to work for us! They’re now going to build a solid roof over our front porch, fix the rear drainage behind our house, as well as the terrace’s roof leak and poor drainage. We’re really glad we were here to see the storm and it’s effect on our home so that we can now make some preventative changes.